Men´s slippers Taka Slip On M Black<p>The MBT Taka Slip On are men’s casual active trainers, from the new collection, made both for the everyday and moderate exercise, whether in the gym, at home, or simply walking with style.</p>
<p>Features for these shoes include:</p>
<li>Level of Rock: Moderate. MBT Index: Level 2</li>
<li>Colour: Black</li>
<li>Upper: Mesh</li>
<li>Footbed: Mesh with Memory Insole</li>
<li>Midsole: SensorTehnology and Pivot Axis</li>
<li>Outsole: Sponge and Non Marking Rubber</li>
<p>These shoes feature our signature MBT technology with a medium-strong sole curve, Pivot Axis and medium-high midsole. Designed for your longer distance walks requiring added cushioning and improved midfoot-forefoot transition. Our MBT SensorTechnology in the heel also complements the midfoot sensor by absorbing shock, resulting in all-round comfort and balance.</p>
<p></p> CASUAL SS22/Fitness-walking-2022/Fitness walking - 2022/Zapatillas Fitness walking - 2022/Ventas Privadas Verano 2022/Vendite Private estive 2022/Summer Private Sales /Ventes privées d'été/SALDI ESTIVI 2022/REBAJAS DE VERANO 2022/Summer Sale 2022/SOLDES D´ÉTÉ 2022/Private sale 2022 - Ventas Privadas - MBT /Private sale 2022 - Winter /Private Sale 2022/Private sale 2022 - Winter - MBT /Private Sale - Winter MBT/Ventas privadas MBT - Winter- 2022/Saldi Invernali 2023/Rebajas de invierno 2023/Winter sale 2023 - MBT/Calzado fisiológico - Cuida tu salut y bienestar/Calzature fisiologiche - Prendersi cura della propria salute e del proprio benessere/Physiological footwear - Take care of your health and wellbeing/Physiologisches Schuhwerk - Sorgen Sie für Ihre Gesundheit und Ihr Wohlbefinden/Chaussures physiologiques - Prendre soin de sa santé et de son bien-être/Summer Sales 2023/Suola Modena/Modena Sole/Semelle Modena/Modena Schuhsohle/Herren/Professional/Schuhe für ein aktives Leben. Maximaler Komfort, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden/Scarpe per una vita attiva. Massimo comfort, salute e benessere/Shoes for an active life. Maximum comfort, health and well-being/Zapatos para una vida activa. Máximo confort, salud y bienestar /Des chaussures pour une vie active. Un maximum de confort, de santé et de bien-être/Komfort und Wohlbefinden in Schuhen für Berufstätige/Comfort e benessere nelle calzature per professionisti/Comfort and well-being in footwear for Professionals/Confort y bienestar en el calzado para Profesionales/Confort et bien-être dans les chaussures pour professionnels/Herren/OCCASIONI/Uomo/OUTLET/Men/Men/OUTLET/HOMMES/Scarpe per il massimo comfort e benessere/Shoes for maximum comfort and well-being/Zapatos para un máximo confort y bienestar/Des chaussures pour un maximum de confort et de bien-être/Schuhe für maximalen Komfort und Wohlbefinden/Últimos pares, últimas tallas. Promociones y Descuentos de MBT/OUTLET/Hombre/OUTLET/OUTLET/LAST PAIRS LAST SIZES/Ultime paia, ultimi numeri. Promozioni e sconti MBT/Last Pairs - Last Sizes. MBT Promotions and Discounts/Dernières paires, Dernières tailles. Promotions et réductions MBT/OCCASIONI2022-03-18T10:34:11+0000
The MBT Taka Slip On are men’s casual active trainers, from the new collection, made both for the everyday and moderate exercise, whether in the gym, at home, or simply walking with style.
Features for these shoes include:
Level of Rock: Moderate. MBT Index: Level 2
Colour: Black
Upper: Mesh
Footbed: Mesh with Memory Insole
Midsole: SensorTehnology and Pivot Axis
Outsole: Sponge and Non Marking Rubber
These shoes feature our signature MBT technology with a medium-strong sole curve, Pivot Axis and medium-high midsole. Designed for your longer distance walks requiring added cushioning and improved midfoot-forefoot transition. Our MBT SensorTechnology in the heel also complements the midfoot sensor by absorbing shock, resulting in all-round comfort and balance.