Private Sales - Don't miss out on your MBT discountPrivate Sales - Don't miss out on your MBT discount
Mejora tu comodidad. Abraza el movimiento.

Enhance Comfort.
Embrace Motion.

Find Equilibrium in Every Step with Our Revolutionary Rocker Bottom Soles.

Embark on a Technological Footwear experience with MBT!

Our exclusive rocker bottom sole, coupled with cutting-edge Sensor Technology, harmonizes to elevate your balance, posture, and muscle activation.

Take steps towards a healthier you and dive into the incredible benefits of MBT today.

Kiburi Sole

Suela KiburiSuela Kiburi

Camina mejor que nunca con la suela Kiburi, que te ofrece un paseo amortiguado y cómodo para tus articulaciones.

El eje de pivote de la mediasuela te impulsa hacia delante y garantiza un equilibrio perfecto. Esta suela es tu compañera ideal para potenciar el equilibrio, activar la musculatura y mejorar tu postura cuando llevas sandalias.

La sinergia entre la SensorTechnology™ y la suela curvada de las Kiburi te aporta unos beneficios sin igual. Con nuestras sandalias innovadoras, te despedirás de la incomodidad y darás la bienvenida a la comodidad en cada paso.

Kisumu Sole

Suela KisumuSuela Kisumu

Elevate your stroll with the Kisumu Sole, promising a cushioned walk that treats your joints with care. 

The midsole's pivot axis propels you forward, maintaining impeccable balance. This sole is your go-to choice for enhancing balance, activating muscles, and refining posture in sandals.

Sensor Technology and the Curved Sole come together seamlessly in the Kisumu Sole, providing unmatched advantages. Bid farewell to discomfort and step into a realm of ease with each stride in our cutting-edge sandals.

Improve your comfort. Embrace the movement.Improve your comfort. Embrace the movement.

Enhance Comfort.
Embrace Motion.


Find Equilibrium in Every Step with Our Revolutionary Rocker Bottom Soles.

Embark on a Technological Footwear experience with MBT!

Our exclusive rocker bottom sole, coupled with cutting-edge Sensor Technology, harmonizes to elevate your balance, posture, and muscle activation.

Take steps towards a healthier you and dive into the incredible benefits of MBT today.

Kiburi Sole

Suela HuracanSuela Huracan

Elevate your stride with the Kiburi Sole, offering a cushioned walk that's gentle on your joints.

The midsole's pivot axis propels you forward, ensuring perfect balance. This sole is your ideal companion for boosting balance, activating muscles, and enhancing posture in sandals.

The synergy of Sensor Technology and the Curved Sole in the Kiburi Sole brings unparalleled benefits. Say farewell to discomfort and welcome ease with every step in our innovative sandals. 

Kisumu Sole

Suela MBT-2000Suela MBT-2000

Elevate your stroll with the Kisumu Sole, promising a cushioned walk that treats your joints with care.

The midsole's pivot axis propels you forward, maintaining impeccable balance. This sole is your go-to choice for enhancing balance, activating muscles, and refining posture in sandals.

Sensor Technology and the Curved Sole come together seamlessly in the Kisumu Sole, providing unmatched advantages. Bid farewell to discomfort and step into a realm of ease with each stride in our cutting-edge sandals.